Freelance Writers: Keeping A Blog Is A Useful Thing

Freelance writing can be a wonderfully freeing experience. You set your own hours, you work from anywhere you wish and with enough talent and persistence, you can decide how much money you want to make. That last point is important though. Most writers find out early on that if they don’t put in work to get their names known, they can struggle making minimum wage or less no matter how great their writing is. Here’s a few reasons blogging can be your best option.

  • It’s good practice
  • When you first start out as a writer you may have style issues that need working out or you may be unaccustomed to producing a certain volume of work regularly. Whatever the case, having a blog can give you a place to consistently produce work and make it available to the public.

  • It’s great advertising
  • If you write consistently and include the right combination of facts and SEO in your pieces, eventually people will become more aware of you as a writer. Some of these people will need to have writing done and hire you just based on your blog. The rates you can command in this way are often far more appealing than what you earn on freelance sites.

  • It can be an investment
  • When your blog is new and no one looks at it, putting advertising on it may not seem to be particularly useful. As you invest more time into it, however, advertisers may actually approach you to place links within your blog. For a select few writers, blogging has become a fulltime job which pays handsomely. Even if you don’t join their ranks, if you purchased your website and it has a particularly catchy name, you may one day be able to sell it for thousands of dollars.

  • It can be fun
  • Blogging can be a great way to vent your frustration, share your appreciation or otherwise interact with the world. Most bloggers actually write for this reason alone. This is good because the need for practice and the actual enjoyment may be the only benefits you gain from the process in the short-term.

There is no secret formula to freelance writing success. Anyone who says there is most likely has a product to sell you. Luckily, success is possible and with perseverance and consistent observation of the system you too can make your mark on the industry.

Word Press Writer.


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