An Easy Way To Get Well-Paid Freelance Article Writing Jobs 

If you want to earn more as a freelance writer, consider writing for online publications and magazines. These opportunities are really lucrative, and, with any luck, you may get a tidy sum per article on a regular basis. To succeed in this area, you should effectively sell yourself. It is good that you are talented and experienced writer. It is even better if you know how to promote yourself. If you want to get well-paid jobs working as a freelance article writer, learn how to pitch to prospective publishers effectively. It is an easy way, and, at the same time, very promising one.

“To pitch” means “to write query letters to potential employers”. This process doesn’t require haste. To succeed, you should research the market, come up with original story ideas, write and send strong query letters, and patiently wait for results.

  • Researching the market.
  • It is easy. Look for publications in your area of interest. Read several articles to get an idea what kind of content you are expected to write. What kind of people is this magazine targeted on? What is the style of this publication? And, finally, can you keep pace?

  • Gathering ideas.
  • It’s not a problem for an experienced freelance writer to brainstorm a couple of original and catching article ideas that will effectively fit into the magazine style. Focus not on the broad topics that have probably been discussed before, but on some interesting aspects or turns that might make for extraordinary stories.

  • Writing a query letter.
    • Represent your idea in the first paragraph. Try to do it in the style of your target magazine. Start with a bang – an anecdote, quote, or intriguing story.
    • Smoothly go from the idea to your pitch. Briefly describe how you are going to cover this idea in your future article.
    • Provide examples that are written in a needed style.
    • Explain why you fit their needs the best.
    • Effectively close your pitch by showing that you understand readers’ preferences.
    • Ask to write this article for the magazine.
  • Waiting.
  • Be patient. It may take some time for an editor to digest your query letter and decide what to do. Of course, responses will not always be positive. Don’t get disappointed though. Undoubtedly, some of the publishers will be hooked, and you will be asked to write many other articles for them.

You are lucky if you land such a freelance writing job. These opportunities are not only well-paid - they open new ways for your development.

Word Press Writer.


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