Finding well-paid freelance jobs for writers
If you are looking for a well-paying job and you enjoy writing, you could find a good job working as a freelancer. In previous years, freelancing jobs were only available for people who were established writers who would do investigations, travel on exotic trips, or interview interesting people. Now, freelancing jobs are available for practically anyone who can craft a sentence and high quality paragraph. Granted, the jobs do not pay as well as the freelancing jobs of years gone by, but it is possible to make a living working from your home as a freelance writer.
- Join a Freelance Site
- Start the Bidding
- Write a Strong Proposal
In order to become a freelance writer, you have to go where the jobs are. And those jobs are posted at freelance websites. There are several of them, but only a few are large enough to offer an income that could sustain a healthy lifestyle. You have to create an account and build a profile so you can build a reputation and get those good paying jobs. Then, you have to learn how the sites work.
Most of the freelancing websites work in the same way. The client posts a job opening and the freelancers bid on it. Usually, the bidding is semi-private, you can only see the highest, lowest, and average bid, but you cannot see what each freelancer is offering. When you are just starting out, you should bid at the lower end of the range so you can start to build a reputation. Once your reputation begins to grow after you have completed a few jobs, then you can begin to bid higher. There are clients who are willing to pay a little more for someone with a good reputation, but there are many more clients who would rather pay less for a writer.
When you bid on a job, you will need to also provide a proposal to the client. This is where you get to sell your skills and qualifications to the client in hopes that the client will pick you over the other freelancers who have applied. Many of the sites only allow you to bid on so many jobs, or you have to pay for more bidding power, so use those bids well. You should always something from the job description in the proposal so the client knows you actually read it. Good luck!!